International Art project


Russia, lake Baikal, Olkhon island, Khuzhir village

phone in Irkutsk (Russia)


June-August 2019


Two large-scale events in the sphere of Applied and Decorative Arts for professional ceramic artists and art school students from Russia and abroad. Both events will be held on Lake Baikal at the Mobile Studio Facility equipped with all the necessary instruments and resources for implementing artistic ideas and creating ceramic works. This is a great opportunity to create unique works of art and share knowledge, skills, and technologies. It is also a chance to talk to likeminded people, recharge oneself with positive creative energy, get unforgettable experience, and achieve artistic and professional growth.

In 2022, with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, a winter workshop was built on Olkhon Island and the All-Russian Workshop on Overglaze Painting "Baikal-CeraMystica.Ice" was held. This format of the symposium was first held on Olkhon, before that it was held in Irkutsk with a short trip to Olkhon. In February-March 2022, artists from different areas of art: ceramists, painters, graphic artists, designers; passed the competitive selection and came to Olkhon to master the technique of overglaze painting and paint several porcelain dishes in their own style. Three races were held, in each of them there was an invited expert who taught the participants. Master classes of each of the experts: Svetlana Shubnikov, Elena Krasnova, Tatyana Charina; in video format are exposed in the public domain on the project channel:

The unique nature of Lake Baikal and unforgettable atmosphere of Olkhon Island.

Ceramic artists from different countries. Representatives of different schools of Artistic Ceramics.

Mobile Studio Facility equipped with all the necessary stuff for creating ceramic works.


International Art


June 28 — July 12 2019

Educational and Artistic Plain-Air


June 28 — July 12 2019

July 15 — July 30 2019

August 02 — August 16 2019

Project participants are professional artists from around the world who work in the field of Artistic Ceramics.This Project is supported by the Presidential Grants Fund. Artists wishing to take part in this Project shall go through a selective competition. The jury members are professional ceramics artists from around the world. One work of each project participant shall be granted to the Project Foundation.

Project participants are senior art college students studying Artistic Ceramics, professional and not professional artists. Participation in the project at their own expense. Students and artist willing to take part in the first season project must pass a competitive selection process. Participation in the second and third seasons - without competition. All work participants can take with them. 


  • I am returning to our plein-air tents on Olkhon for the third time in a row. It often seems to me that I have not left this place for wintering in Irkutsk at all. Every time, it is very interesting to interact and work elbow to elbow with other artists. For me, every time the Symposium is done in one breath, while impressions from it inspire me during the whole winter.
    Lidia Los, Russia, The participant 2012, the participant and organizer of symposium 2013, 2014
  • Baikal.... Mention this name and the brightest and most joyful memories flare up in one’s soul. To be and create in such a beautiful and magnificent place is pure happiness! Baikal’s wonderful atmosphere fully reveals a human being. How many absolutely different artists from different countries Baikal has united during these five years! How many hearts it has made to beat in one creative rhythm. Of course, it would not be possible without a dedicated team of the tireless organizers of the Symposium, the excellent firings, and a friendly and open atmosphere. Thank you, the organizers and participants, for this intense and unforgettable time!
    Olga Ravinskaya, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2016
  • Baikal-Keramistika is a wonderful project! Strength and inspiration of Baikal helped us all and me personally, I gladly accepted it. Also, t was wonderful how we supported each other, how we cheered for everything! It felt like I came back home. I participate in other international ceramics workshops, but Baikal workshop is always in my heart. I left a part of my heart on Lake Baikal! However, I had taken a lot with me: lots of impressions, socializing with good people, mood, and reflection. Thank the universe and all of us!
    Olga Semashko, Belorussia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • I am delighted with the enthusiasm and resilience of the Symposium’s organizers. They selected a great and diverse group of participants. It is with great tenderness that I remember each one of the co-participants of CeraMystica. I wish everyone a long artistic life!
    Evgeniya Kudrina, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Thanks to the organizers of the Symposium for this fantastic and dreamlike event. Olkhon in itself is a place, where miracles happen. With Baikal-CeraMystica, these miracles started to happen in the ceramic works created at this wonderful plein-air.
    Dmitriy Khokhlovkin, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Meeting like-minded folks is an extraordinary inspirational experience. After each Symposium, the circle of kindred spirits becomes ever wider, while the Earth – smaller. I am thankful to the Universe for the opportunities; to my family – for their powerful and reliable support; to my husband – for the joint creative and life flight; to my friends – for giving me back my faith, when I lose it; to my colleagues – for the love for ceramics; to art critics – for their professionalism and constructive critique; and to the participants – for your talent and openness. I love you!
    Tatiana Eroshenko, Russia, The participant and organizer of symposium 2012, 2013, 2014
  • As for me, Baikal-Keramistika is an exciting communication with friends – project participants, beautiful Baikal landscapes steeped in legends, interesting presentations and master-classes, camp-fire songs, good humor, mutual help and co-creation. Everything was at a high level – welcomong meeting, comfortable conditions for work and living, providing participants with an opportunity to fulfill their ideas and be helpful to others. Organizers – Tatiana, Sergei, Lida, Pasha, Ludmila Georgievna Eroshenko – for her incredible, interesting excursions of Irkutsk city, and all who helped them with this grace-filled work – endless gratitude. I sincerely wish the project creative longevity and prosperity !!!
    Tamara Krivo, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Artists from Russia, Mongolia, Ireland, Spain, Japan, Latvia, and Turkey created unique works of art and shared knowledge, skills and technologies. Each artist gave a master class during the symposium, and it helped develop international cooperation and facilitate cultural, professional, and creative exchanges among ceramics artists. It was one of the best symposia in the world that I ever participated in – with special master artists and the wild beauty of Lake Baikal, Olkhon Island, and Khuzhir Village. Thank you for being there.
    Sirin Kocak, Turkey, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Lake Baikal is a unique place that I have never been before. With its unique nature and atmosphere, you feel free and relaxed. This freedom affects your work. My Works are massive, yet looking light, sculptures. Growing up in the Mediterranean, it is not surprising that history had a huge influence on me. Most of my inspiration I draw from ruins and historic buildings. My sculptures remind us of something timeless and everlasting, almost like an enduring evidence of the long forgotten times.
    Ismet Yuksel, Turkey, The participant of symposium 2015
  • I would like to kindly thank the organizers of the Symposium for the incredibly engaging trip, the chance to meet beautiful and creative people, and the joy of sharing my skills and learning something new in master classes. There have been many wonderful discoveries, the knowledge of the type “I would never have thought that way”, fiery and austere magic and delight of the firings, excitement, joy, almost sacred awe, and beauty!
    Marina Sirotinskaya, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2015
  • I am incredibly happy to take part in the Baikal-CeraMystica Symposium! This is an astounding place, where fantastic people met, the might of nature and talent merged, and the soul was singing and creating... These two weeks will never escape from my memory. Thanks to the organizers who were deeply invested in this project and presented the joy of creation to so many good people!
    Natalya Golovkina, Russia, Kungur, The participant of symposium 2015
  • My time spent on Olkhon Island in the magical Lake Baikal was an extraordinary experience for me. The clear air, unusual landscape and the lovely, friendly and talented group of fellow artists made my time there very special and one I will never forget. A unique experience - thank you to everyone involved in making it such a special one.
    Jane Jermin, Irland, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Baikal is a wonderful place permeated with myths, magic, and historical memory. It is a place, where a person can stay face to face with nature and oneself. It is a place that gives and takes back, attracts and never lets go. I am very thankful for the opportunity to work and interact within a creative international collective. I really enjoyed observing how people opened up and got closer to each other becoming one team within a short space of time afforded by the Symposium, how their works changed under the impact of the energy of Baikal.
    Olga Khan, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2016
  • С каждым последующим днём все труднее писать о симпозиуме, так как он постепенно обрастает мифологическими чертами и сияет новыми красками. Поскольку для меня это был первый опыт участия в симпозиуме керамистов, мой жизненный уклад и способ восприятия действительности пошатнулись в большей степени, наверное. То, что задумали и уже пять раз с успехом осуществили организаторы " Байкал Керамистики" вызывает восторг и уважение. Работа в невесомости малознакомых материалов, нового места и нового окружения мгновенно выявляет "тонкие места" и в характере, и в мастерстве. Спасибо за создание атмосферы непредсказуемости Духам Ольхона, которые всегда готовы почудить.
    Saraswati, India, Auroville., The participant of symposium 2016
  • It was a unique and impressive experience for me. I was very happy to meet and work side by side with such cool artists. I fell in love with them with my whole heart. Big thanks to the organizers of this Symposium – Tatiana, Sergei, and Lyda – for giving me this opportunity!
    Elena Nosova, Russia, Irkutsk, The participant of symposium 2015
  • I was lucky to be part of the organizing team of the 5th season of Baikal-Ceramystica. It was an unbelievable experience. I am very pleased to observe how this project is developing, how it becomes better every year ¬¬– its geographical scope is expanding, the material and technical resource base is growing, and the level of participants simply overwhelms. For me personally, every Baikal-Ceramystica is a certain act of love of people. Dear participants, all of you are amazing personalities and artists. Each one of you has left a lasting imprint in my heart!
    Elena Nosova, Russia, Irkutsk, Tha participant 2015 and coordinator of symposium 2016
  • Symposium is my magnet, my lighthouse – attracts and shines. My creative growth. Here is my second education. My possibility of searching. Here the heart opens to the nature, and the nature is magic here, it will enspire you for long time. Some little invisible part of me had stayed at the island forever. Tania, Serezha, Lida, Pasha and all the others – it's great that Baikal-Keramistika exists!!!
    Anna Kvasova, Russia, The participant of symposium 2012, 2013, 2014
  • I took part in this Symposium for the first time in my life. I have tons of impressions, and all of them are different in scale and character. Olkhon, Baikal, and the people I met inspired me for a new creative work and helped me, as I hope, think and work differently — on a bigger scale and in a purer and bolder fashion. I truly hope that someday I will be in this place again, with these great people, and in this atmosphere. Professional meetings is a big blessing for all of us who make living with this challenging craft. It is fortunate that there are people and places, thanks to whom such events are possible.
    Alyona Zalutskaya, Russia, Novosibirsk., The participant of symposium 2016
  • The island gave me great inspiration about wishes about future and the shaman culture. "We" had great expacatitions for our future with an unique rebellion in my country three years ago, It all flew away with about 3 million people and 8 teenagers... I am the nineth one who is destroyed and still try to be full of hope. Khuzir village is a big insipiration with its atmosphere which is full of peace.It is totally fantastic early in the morning, late at night like a place out of real world... The combination of the village's peaceful atmosphere with my destroyed expecatations in my mind made me to build my dystopia's houses. I acn feel that they are still alive, colourful but need a new soul. And hopefully it will come true as soon as possible.
    PINAR GÜZELGÜN, Turkey, Sakarya., The participant of symposium 2016
  • My international ceramic family! Thank you all for your talent, bravery, artistic experiments, and understanding. Thank you for your ability to materialize your artistic ideas in such a high-quality and professional manner while working in somewhat extreme conditions. Thank you for your fantastic works that you presented to our CeraMystica. I love you all and hope to meet you somewhere on our big planet.
    Tatiana Eroshenko, Russia, Irkutsk, The participant and organizer of symposium 2015
  • The Symposium was remarkable — the group, work location, materials, firings, and master classes. Everything was professional and interestingly organized. The heart of the Symposium, of course, is the magic of Baikal. A pure beauty of nature and power combined. Olkhon is indeed a place for inspiration. The days, when the Symposium started its work — the days of the Summer Solstice — are the highest point of light of the year. It gave me the inspiration to create my sculpture this way — I tried to combine aspiration and movement, the individual and the universal, and the perpetual.
    Elina Titane, Latvia, Riga., The participant of symposium 2016
  • Gifted people, a sacral and magnetic space, mystery of firings and unpredictability of results, and virtuosity of the Lords of the Fire. Behind it all is LOVE, while above it all and within it is Baikal. It is with deep gratitude I got both technological and spiritually-moral experience, useful from any perspective. Be open, unbiased, listen attentively, and Baikal will whisper with its coastal grass and amalgam of stones, bring on the wings of the stubborn winds, and yell out with the cries of fat seagulls a new plot. Listening to it, I created “Grandmother Katya of Olkhon”. Guys jokingly called it “Grandmother Katya – Teleport”. And who is going to teleport? Well, it is got to be me. I am closing my eyes and going back – the place pulls so strongly.
    Lyalya Galeeva, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • On Lake Baikal, first of all, nature and all its phenomena have an influence. Then, of course, conditions for work, the overall situation and the organization are important at the symposium - and everything was perfect with it! I was skeptical at the beginning towards master classes, but in reality it turned out that I discovered something completely new or found useful details in the ceramics technique, and that was important. Thanks to everyone who was with me!
    Jurgita Jasinscaite,Lithuania, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Truly, I am very pleased to have an opportunity to participate along with extraordinarily talented colleagues from different countries in such a reputable international symposium as Baikal-CeraMystica. The beauty of Siberian nature, kind and hospitable soul of Siberians, warm-hearted artistic atmosphere of the Symposium, and, of course, unique works of my colleagues created at this festival have left unforgettable impressions. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Sergei Purtyan and Tatiana Eroshenko, the organizers and authors of this event, for their great efforts. I would like to wish everyone who took part in this Symposium all the best and great artistic success!
    Odma Uranchimeg, Mongolia, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Baikal-CeraMystica is an excellent experience, a warm-hearted company of interesting people united by their love of ceramics, and unforgettable and majestic Baikal!
    Tatiana Borisova, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2016
  • The concept behind the word Organisms refers to the totality of organs that comprise a living being. Therefore, the works elaborated during the Symposium point to the organization of a thought that encompasses a whole set of reflections regarding the discriminatory organizational forms of these dominating systems. The experience acquired in the Ceramystica Symposium was unique and indescribable. I should say that, despite the difficulties with the language, the experienced moments were unique; and they also include those in which our interpretation efforts would not be enough to reach the broadness of the established bonds.
    Rosana Tagliari Bortolin, Brasil, Florianópolis, The participant of symposium 2016
  • Baikal-Keramistika symposium is a good combination of all the best that can be in a ceramics symposium: great people and talented artists, good firings and beautiful nature. All that is needed for the artist creativity is on Baikal-Keramistika! Many thanks to the organizers.
    Julia Smirnova, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Time passes, but in the soul lives powerful impression – the Event has happend. Great Baikal, Olkhon, raku firings, scalding – all for the first time. I met wonderful artists and we became friends. Thank you all for organizing and hosting the symposium!
    Olga Skubchenko, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Working together with interesting and original artists is such a pleasure. I value each day that I spent in your company, and I hold dear our friendship. What is great is not just the practicality of what I have seen during this project (and it was quite practical!), but rather the fact that such a great team of amazing people, whom it was always very easy to get along and communicate with, got together.
    Lydia Los, Russia, Irkutsk, The participant and organizer of symposium 2015
  • Symposium on ceramics! These words sound like music, like a signal for action to ceramic artists! Create, mold, and talk! Thank you, dear organizers!
    Elena Krasnova, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Baikal welcomed and struck me with its powerful and awesome nature. The scenery left unforgettable impressions on an artist from tiny, green, and cozy Latvia. I transferred them onto my works using familiar means of expression.
    Una Gura, Latvia, Daugavpils, Участница симпозиума 2016
  • I would like to express my gratitude to Sergei, Tatiana, and Lena for the organization of the Baikal-CeraMystica Symposium. Thank you for your patience and creative work, grandiose plans, and professionalism. I really liked working with Spanish blue and green clay. It is very plastic and keeps its shape quite well. If necessary, it can be deformed without tearing. It allows to make a thin ceramic body. A big thanks goes out to the sponsors of this event.
    Natalya Kovalenko, Russia, Moscow., The participant of symposium 2016
  • The uniqueness of the location — Baikal, Olkhon, and Khuzhir. The air and the water changing their color palette with an amazing speed, the places of Force, plants and birds. Together, it is all like a gigantic musical instrument. You immediately get into it, become its part, and together try to sing its Melody. An excellent professional team, master classes, the diversity of materials and technologies, and the willingness to work and search for the new. Thank you for organizing this Symposium and the tremendous work, which created a never-to-be-forgotten atmosphere of Creativity. For quite a long time, I wanted to make my dolls and art objects with porcelain. As a result, I created a composition I called “Flotilla”. Stoneware, paper clay, and my already favorite porcelain. Thank you!
    Tatyana Nikolaenko, Russia, Saint-Petersburg., The participant of symposium 2016
  • Lake, island, clay ... Complete isolation and separation from the world is great! Inspirational Baikal, great people, wonderful symposium.
    Galina Lezhnina, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Two weeks of endless happiness! Interesting and wonderful people, beautiful views of Baikal, and excellent weather! I got a tremendous creative charge, which will last for a long time.
    Svetlana Shinkarenko, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, The participant of symposium 2016
  • My impressions of Baikal and the Symposium are bright, warm, but a little sad, because everything went so quickly. The idea behind the Symposium – to unite artists from different countries representing different artistic schools – is fantastic. The final exhibition was a testament to it. It was interesting and diverse, “for any taste”, so to say. I was surrounded by beautiful, wonderful, and talented people. Big thanks for that. I would like to particularly thank Tatiana and Sergei for the organization of this holiday for the soul.
    Irina Chirikova, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Fantabulous experience! Very strong impression! It is warm, soulful, and home-felt despite the fact that everyone is so different. A frenzy of elements, a fountain of energies, and a kaleidoscope of bright personalities. An unbelievably cool mix of traditions of ethnic cultures from different countries. Sincere and open interaction. The level of organization of this event is quite impressive: a unique location and comfortable living conditions, technical aspect of the Symposium is developed quite thoroughly. I was impressed by the rich palette of glazes and the choice of clay. It is great that I had a chance to participate in this project and gain such a valuable experience!
    Andrey Saltan, Russia, Tomsk, The participant of symposium 2016
  • The time spent in the magical island of Olkhon surrounded by the breath taking Lake has been rather fruitful in terms of creativity and enrichment. I would take this opportunity to thank the hardworking and co operative organisers who showered their support with love. Also the healthy exchange of ceramic knowledge shared amongst my talented fellow artist is a gift i'd carry forever. This unique and refreshing plein-air style symposium be cherished forever and the magical spirits associated with land will be missed!
    Srinia Chowdhury, India, New Delhi , The participant of symposium 2016
  • Lake Baikal and Olkhon Island is a natural environment, was clean and a quiet place away from the noise. It must be the reason of Baikal-СeraMystika symposium held here There are many things to be inspired. The symposium was organized very well. Artists involved in the project were professional in the field. There was a warm and friendly atmosphere in the working area. Work area and the environment was perfect. I have learned different firing techniques such as Obvara technique, reduction firing, saggar firing. The symposium has been very creative and productive time. I met very good friends. Thank you very much for everything.
    Seyhan Ilmaz, Turkey, The participant of symposium 2014
  • I was glad for all the communion, and I think that for every artist, such a start is a terrific and joyous spiritual holiday! I would like that every artist could have an opportunity, maybe even at one’s own expense, to be so lucky as to live in such a unique and creative atmosphere. Answering to a question about what this Symposium gave to Tatiana, she said: “Ability to concentrate and produce a result within a short period of time and get a good impulse. Not everything worked out well, but I lived through this life inside myself and created something new”. Thank you to everyone who was beside me, to all those who filled me with a noble spirit of collaborative creation!
    Tatiana Obukhova, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • First of all, it was the first time I have been in Russia. It was perfect country especially after had a time in Olkhon Island, which is rich in archaeological landmarks and has spiritual culture like shamanism. After had a trip in that places I was inspired wonderful natural of Baikal Lake, Olkhon Island and especially small and cute Khuzhir village. So two of my work’s ideas comprised of mix of cultural context. One of my works that has 13 figures based on Shamanism, each one has a shamanic symbol on their back. The smallest has a symbol of mastermind so I tried to express that having a power is not relevant with physical force. The second work is based on Paleolithic tools. I inspired from Baikal Lake which age is estimated 25-30 millions years old. Therefore, I wanted to create the tools that represent of human life in that place. I had great time in those places. I am thankful because of your great organization, friendship and sharing great time in wonderful place.
    Dicle Öney, Turkey, Izmir., The participant of symposium 2016
  • The world is very huge. We are part of the nature. We must be humble. The nature of Baikal reminds me about that. There was strength. And the world is very small. We could meet at Baikal-CeraMystica. I did not feel the distances of the world. There was kindness. It is a beautiful memory. It is amazing! Thanks to all.
    Toru Kurakawa, Japon, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Olkhon island ceramic art symposium was very productive and fruitful event for us, artists. I'm very glad that I learned different techniques from international artists, exchanged experiences with them, and participated in this interesting event which promoted modern ceramic art development to public and developed artists themselves. People of Olkhon island of lake Baikal, the breathtaking beauty of the nature, and the lake's peaceful and secretive scene impressed me greatly and inspired me to create art, and left me with beautiful memories.
    Sukhburen Narankhuu, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar., The participant of symposium 2016
  • Baikal CeraMystic – a vivid experience and laid-back atmosphere against the backdrop of the unforgettable nature. This Symposium offers many things, because live interaction with fellow artists cannot be replaced by anything. Every participant is a discovery, while every master class is a new experience! I was pleased by the competent and well-thought-out organization of the project and the opportunity to experiment. For me, the journey to the Symposium is both a trip to magnificent Lake Baikal, a possibility to implement my ideas, and a meeting with my friends. Thank you to all of you!
    Julia Zueva, Russia, The participant of symposium 2013, 2014
  • Another Symposium, and again — the abundance of emotions and impressions. New participants and new works. Only one thing remains unchanged — the friendliness and attention of the organizers of this wonderful event and the joy from the closeness of Baikal. Thank you, friends, for a fantastic summer!
    Dmitriy Hohlovkin, Russia, Moscow, Participant and technical assistant project 2016
  • Finally, after a long journey, we are on Olkhon, tired, happy, and with new friends! For two weeks, we were united by one tiny island lost on the huge map of Russia – the island, which, at the same time, is so big with its sky, surrounding “sea”, and unique Soul! We were happily creating things while curiously learning new infinities of individual ceramicity. It was so wonderful to wander on the island looking at shamans’ pillars, gather pretty stones on the shore, visit the islet of the Buddhist stupa, and just enjoy the beautiful nature! I was leaving this place sad and happy at the same time, feeling that now, on far away Baikal, there is an amazing place, which gifted you with such a big Happiness forevermore! It is a blessing to be a Ceramist!!!
    Artem Gorislavets, Kazakhstan, The participant of symposium 2014
  • Being in Baikal… Being in the country after 14 years that is missed and full of memories… Some unknown, some unusual, some well-known, some new… full of sense… observing the nature and the tradition… colorful believes… cheerful artists… creative ideas… various techniques… interaction, conversation, exchange and so on…
    Betul Demir Karakaya, Turkey, The participant of symposium 2014
  • It was my first experience abroad, and it was a dream. In this dream, people who I met with were very friendly and considerate. Firstly, I want to thank my teacher, Assistant Professor Şirin Koçak Özeskici who gave me this chance. At the same time, I want to thank all the artists and Tatiana Eroshenko for their teaching about and guiding in the art of ceramics.
    K. Seçkin Aytaç, Turkey, student, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Taking part in the Baikal-CeraMystica Symposium means not only new friends, new professional experience, and two weeks of artistic work. First and foremost, it is unforgettable feelings that will come to mind again and again.
    Valentins Petjko, Latvia, The participant of symposium 2015
  • I am still under the impression from the Symposium, the Artists, and Baikal!!! I have not experienced anything more profound in my whole life.... Once again, thank you, Tatiana, Sergei, and Lena — the excellent organizers, ceramists (and much more!), and simply, great PEOPLE! I love you! I mainly worked with chamotte clay. I also worked a little bit with Spanish clays and really liked their plasticity in the work process. So, a big thanks goes out to the sponsors of this remarkable project. I bow down low before the hospitable hostess of the tourist camp, where we lived, for her warm welcoming.
    Irina Rakova, Russia-France, The participant of symposium 2016
  • The opportunity to attend the 4th International Symposium “Baikal CeraMystica” was an awesome experience. I enjoyed my time on Olkhon Island in Lake Baikal, and I will miss all those who allowed me to learn and discover an exceptional place to share different ceramic experiences with exceptional and wonderful people during my stay at CeraMystica.... I want to thank you for the efforts of the organization, effectiveness, warmth, and delicacy in personal dealings. Also, thank you for the fantastic opportunity to discover this magical and peaceful place. Again, thank you for everything ... It was great!
    Maria Bosch, Spain, The participant of symposium 2015
  • For me, every Symposium is an overwhelming flight into the space of professional and human interaction. It is the best University, and I am envious of myself. Dear friends, thank you so much for your hands, hearts, understanding, experience, friendship, and professionalism. A special thanks goes to Srinia for the texture of my work.
    Tatiana Eroshenko, Russia, Irkutsk, Avtor, director
  • When I was preparing to go to the Symposium, I guessed that everything would be great and interesting. I never expected it to be so to such an extent. When such wonderful people get together in such a fantastic place, the magic begins! The magic of art, the magic of fire, and the magic of human interaction. This amazing Baikal feeling does not go away. Just like a little fire, it warms the soul in busy Moscow. I bow low to Tatiana, Sergei, Lyda, and all the others who have brought this project to reality! Thanks to the artists, I was lucky to work with side by side. Thank you all for this invaluable experience.
    Elena Mizgireva, Russia, Moscow, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Every symposium that you have atended is wonderful. And from each one you come back full of impressions, overgrown with new friends and new works. But here, on Baikal-Keramistika, I touched a miracle. I think that every one of us had left in this place a part of himself. And its a first symposium where I want to come back that much. To the magic place, to it's wonderful organizers. In this wonderful state of ease and happiness. Tanechka, Serezha, Lida and Pasha – thank you very much!
    Dmitriy Hohlovkin, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • For me, the 2015 Symposium went all in one breath.
    Andrei Polyanitsa, Russia, Irkutsk, The participant and organizer of symposium 2015
  • A chance to visit Lake Baikal usually only comes once in a life time and I thought that I had rather carelessly missed mine a many years ago. So the symposium was double special for me and I must thank the organisers not just for the opportunity to visit Baikal but for inviting me to such a well-run and enjoyable symposium. As a sculptor, not a ceramicist, I worked quietly and a little in awe of the serious industry, expertise and firing technology which seemed to take place 24 hours a day. At the opening of the exhibition in Irkutsk there was little doubt just how instructive, invigorating and creative Baikal-ceramistica had been for all the company. However, for the individual artist, I believe the real value and impact can only be seen much later in their studios.
    Thomas Bruce Gilhespy, Great Britain, Wales., The participant of symposium 2016
  • This Symposium went just like one breath. Very different artists came here. I could learn from each one of them. The atmosphere was quite creative. Thanks to the organizers of this project for creating such a warm environment.
    Svetlana Shubnikova, Russia, Angarsk, The participant of symposium 2015
  • Baikal-Keramisika is a wonderful project. I would like to thank the project organizers, the project gives an opportunity to get to know other artists, their work methods and find out about new techniques. Watching presentations of participants and talking with art experts gives the reason for thought and a push to create new art works.
    Svetlana Uvarova, Russia, The participant of symposium 2014
  • It was the first time, when I was part of the international ceramics symposium, my first big experience outside of Turkey. The organizers were gentle and sympathetic. With their master classes, artists from all over the world led the way to show how to learn and experience clay better. Everything was very good. I want to thank my teacher Assistant Professor Şirin Koçak Özeskici. Thank you for everything.
    Tutku Meral, Turkey, student, The participant of symposium 2015
  • It is always impress me to conbine traditional and contemporary facts. I generally try to make same things on my works. I have always interests about Shamanist culture because of my own history of culture that we already have some superstition and it is always exited me. When I came and saw place of Shaman Rock and heard something about rituels, I decided to make Shaman goddess. It was really an enjoying time to share something, to sit beside fire, singing with many different language, to learn new things about different cultures, foods, countries and people. I learnt some new things about firing techniques. (Many thanks to Sergey). I really loved this sharing atmosphere and I was happy to live the moments in there. It was great time and especial organisation. It was great time and organisation. It was really different experiance for me in every aspect. I tell my friend many things about Rusia, people and nature. I remind again you have home in Turkey never forget that.
    Hasan İN, Turkey, Erzurum., The participant of symposium 2016

Photo & video

Articles about project


«Творческое объединение художников-керамистов»
Ерошенко Татьяна
художник-керамист, член СХ России, автор и руководитель проекта
Пуртян Сергей
технический руководитель проекта
Елена Носова
художник-керамист, координатор проекта
Урман Каражанов
художник-керамист, технический помощник проекта

Thanks to

Наша Арт-школа на Байкале

«Арт-Байкал» — Летняя школа керамики на Байкале. Базовый курс для всех желающих от 16-ти лет: лепка из куска, лепка из пласта, лепка жгутами, декорирование ангобами, глазурями, загрузка печи, обжиг "раку", обвара в мучной болтушке, свистулька, азы на гончарном круге, инкрустация. И курс для продолжающих: работа с гипсовой формой, отминка, литье, ангобная роспись, роспись по сырой эмали, малая скульптурная пластика, гончарный круг усложненные задачи. Вы также познакомитесь с творчеством профессиональных художников - участников международного симпозиума Байкал-КераМистика.
