International Art project


Russia, lake Baikal, Olkhon island, Khuzhir village

phone in Irkutsk (Russia)


June-August 2019

The uniqueness of the location — Baikal, Olkhon, and Khuzhir. The air and the water changing their color palette with an amazing speed, the places of Force, plants and birds. Together, it is all like a gigantic musical instrument. You immediately get into it, become its part, and together try to sing its Melody. An excellent professional team, master classes, the diversity of materials and technologies, and the willingness to work and search for the new. Thank you for organizing this Symposium and the tremendous work, which created a never-to-be-forgotten atmosphere of Creativity. For quite a long time, I wanted to make my dolls and art objects with porcelain. As a result, I created a composition I called “Flotilla”. Stoneware, paper clay, and my already favorite porcelain. Thank you!
The participant of symposium 2016