International Art project


Russia, lake Baikal, Olkhon island, Khuzhir village

phone in Irkutsk (Russia)


June-August 2019

Truly, I am very pleased to have an opportunity to participate along with extraordinarily talented colleagues from different countries in such a reputable international symposium as Baikal-CeraMystica. The beauty of Siberian nature, kind and hospitable soul of Siberians, warm-hearted artistic atmosphere of the Symposium, and, of course, unique works of my colleagues created at this festival have left unforgettable impressions. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Sergei Purtyan and Tatiana Eroshenko, the organizers and authors of this event, for their great efforts. I would like to wish everyone who took part in this Symposium all the best and great artistic success!
The participant of symposium 2015