International Art project


Russia, lake Baikal, Olkhon island, Khuzhir village

phone in Irkutsk (Russia)


June-August 2019

Gifted people, a sacral and magnetic space, mystery of firings and unpredictability of results, and virtuosity of the Lords of the Fire. Behind it all is LOVE, while above it all and within it is Baikal. It is with deep gratitude I got both technological and spiritually-moral experience, useful from any perspective. Be open, unbiased, listen attentively, and Baikal will whisper with its coastal grass and amalgam of stones, bring on the wings of the stubborn winds, and yell out with the cries of fat seagulls a new plot. Listening to it, I created “Grandmother Katya of Olkhon”. Guys jokingly called it “Grandmother Katya – Teleport”. And who is going to teleport? Well, it is got to be me. I am closing my eyes and going back – the place pulls so strongly.
The participant of symposium 2014