International Art project


Russia, lake Baikal, Olkhon island, Khuzhir village

phone in Irkutsk (Russia)


June-August 2019

It is always impress me to conbine traditional and contemporary facts. I generally try to make same things on my works. I have always interests about Shamanist culture because of my own history of culture that we already have some superstition and it is always exited me. When I came and saw place of Shaman Rock and heard something about rituels, I decided to make Shaman goddess. It was really an enjoying time to share something, to sit beside fire, singing with many different language, to learn new things about different cultures, foods, countries and people. I learnt some new things about firing techniques. (Many thanks to Sergey). I really loved this sharing atmosphere and I was happy to live the moments in there. It was great time and especial organisation. It was great time and organisation. It was really different experiance for me in every aspect. I tell my friend many things about Rusia, people and nature. I remind again you have home in Turkey never forget that.
The participant of symposium 2016